The harvest is ready! Learn the basics and get the resources you need to start your own DBS . . .

What is a Discovery Bible Study?

A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a disciple-making tool used to help launch God movements—sometimes known as Disciple Making Movements or DMM—around the world. It’s a great way to share the good news of Jesus and form new disciples in an interactive, Holy Spirit-led format. In a DBS group, spiritually-interested people read a Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else.

Disciple-making must be both light-weight and deep-rooted: Light enough for anyone, anywhere, to replicate with their friends and family. Deep enough to make surrendered and transformed disciples of Jesus. DBS groups are simple, easily reproducible, and train new disciples to obey Jesus in everything.

A Discovery Bible Study in the hands of ordinary people is bringing transformation to spiritually-hungry people, families, groups, and communities.

  • After one DBS session together, 12 year-old Josh asked, “Can I lead next week?” While leading the following week, his mother responded to the question, “How will you apply this passage to your life this coming week?” She said, “I need to commit my life to Jesus”—and she did.

  • Inmates at a local prison began following Jesus and, using a DBS, led almost their entire pod to interacting with the Bible . This pod (or cell block), which was known as the Gladiator Pod, became the God Pod.

  • Tony led an online DBS focused on overcoming fear. Tim, a local pastor, began sharing “Overcoming Fear” with people on the fringe of the church. After seeing the response, he formed a team and taught them how to lead a DBS. Within a short time, 12 groups were launched that helped church members reach friends and neighbours outside the church.

  • After a DBS about the sinful woman washing Jesus' feet, Luis, with tears in his eyes, looked up and said, "What did she do to deserve grace?" This was a key revelation from the Holy Spirit that allowed Luis to take a major step toward surrendering his life to Jesus.

  • In places like Kansas City, these simple groups are beginning to pop up in every conceivable affinity group and area. Unchurched people are beginning to take a journey to discover Jesus everywhere from university campuses to suburban neighbourhoods, recovery homes to secondary schools, care homes to immigrant populations.

In a DBS group . . .

. . . spiritually-interested people read a Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they’ve learned and share it with someone else.

How do I lead a Discovery Bible Study?

The DBS process is intentionally simple so that it can launch and reproduce in any context. To help get the big picture, here’s the basic sequence:

  1. Identify people around you who are spiritually curious.

  2. Invite them to discover what God has to say about life.

  3. Ask the discovery questions (see below). No one needs to teach; just discover it together!

  4. Let the Holy Spirit lead and transform lives. Trust God to be much better at teaching truth than we are.

  5. Multiply the group by encouraging participants to start new groups with other friends and family.

Now the steps for actually facilitating a DBS . . .

First, you’ll need a couple of participants, a Bible story, and a few simple questions. Once the group has gathered, start by sharing the responses to these “opening questions” with each other:

  • What are you thankful for?

  • What’s a challenge you’re facing right now?

  • If this group has gathered previously, ask: How did you do with your last "I WILL" statement? Did you share with others?

Next, it’s time to ask the “discovery questions,” which help us discover what the Bible says and take action. The acronym H.O.P.E. is a helpful way to remember these steps: Hear, Observe, Practice, and Encourage.

  • HEAR from God through the Scripture passage.

    • Read the story out loud.

    • Have someone re-tell it in their own words.

  • OBSERVE what it says.

    • What stands out to you?

    • What does this story tell us about God?

    • What does this story tell us about people?

  • Put it into PRACTICE.

    • How can you personally and specifically live out what God is showing you in this text?

    • Write down an “I WILL . . . ” statement for the week ahead.

  • ENCOURAGE someone.

    • Who are you going to tell about what you discovered this week?

Make sure everyone gets a chance to contribute to the conversation. Allow time for everyone to write down their “I will” statements and make notes about who they plan to talk to in the week ahead.

And that’s it! Plan for the next time you’ll gather to share your experiences from the week and to examine another Scripture passage together.

Whom should I invite?

Many believers ask how to find people to invite into a DBS. You need to identify “people of peace”—people who are spiritually curious and open to learning more about what the Bible says. You may be surprised at some of the people in your life who are interested!

Here are three tips for finding people of peace:

  • Ask God to highlight people for you, and then start praying for them.

  • Engage in spiritual questions. Ask people questions about spiritual things, or ask them how you can pray for them. See who is open to deeper conversation.

  • Ask if they’d like to learn more about what God and the Bible have to say about one of the study topics listed below.

Where do I begin in the Bible?

If you’re ready to invite someone into a Discovery Bible Study, we have some helpful resources for you. There are many different scripture lists on various topics.

Here are a few of our favourite lists for new discovery groups:

    Download (PDF)
    ”10 Stories of Hope” will help you discover and share the hope found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It contains seven conversations between Jesus and spiritually hungry people, and three inspiring stories. “10 Stories of Hope” is one of the most widely used discovery studies, and has since been translated into several languages.

    Download (PDF)
    Throughout the Bible, God sends the message “do not fear” again and again. “Overcoming Fear” looks at 12 passages to use for a Discovery Bible Study as well as key promises within each passage. During difficult times, “Overcoming Fear” is a great resource to use in your home and to pass on to others.

    Download (PDF)
    Many in our modern society are seeking meaning in life. “Journey of Jesus” examines 12 stories that follow the life and ministry of Jesus and is ideal for people interested in discovering what Jesus has to say about life, love, and purpose.

    Download (PDF)
    The Bible is filled with stories that reflect God’s long-term mission of reconciliation: God reconciled to people, as well as people to each other, regardless of social status, ethnicity, or personal history. This Discovery Bible Study explores the barriers God has crossed to reach us and our call to cross those barriers as well.

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    ”Creation to Christ” traces God’s love story from the Bible’s first pages through the Old Testament leading up to the life and ministry of Jesus. “Creation to Christ” has been incredibly effective in reaching those from non-Christian backgrounds with minimal knowledge of the Bible.

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