Hearing God
“Learning to hear God’s voice—his word and whisper—is the single most important thing you will ever learn to do.” - Pete Greig
Would you like to hear more from God? Jesus says, “My sheep WILL hear my voice,” but oftentimes we struggle to know whether what we’re hearing is actually from God. You may be like Samuel, waiting for an audible voice from heaven; but God speaks in a lot of ways. This is the God who knows you deeply and takes delight in speaking to you, but what does hearing Him actually sound like?
It may not be what you think. Get our practical ebook, Hearing God: Learning to Listen to the God Who Speaks. This 9-page ebook gives you examples and exercises to help you start listening to God right now.
What you’ll get:
Biblical Examples
Discernment Tips
Approachable Exercises
Increased confidence
You can take your time going through the guide, or even work through it in less than an hour. The guide was created to help you experiment, meet with God personally, and feel more confident as you discern and process your experience. There’s no right or wrong – just an invitation to practise. What might God want to say to you?