InnerCHANGE Glasgow
The InnerCHANGE Glasgow team was launched in 2013 in Possilpark (Possil), one of Scotland’s most marginalised communities.
Built around an iron foundry, Possil has a history of hard work and creativity. As the British Empire collapsed, the foundry closed, leaving many without work. This void paved the way for a heroin epidemic that devastated a generation and has led to Possil being one of the most deprived neighbourhoods and with one of the lowest health statistics in Scotland. In spite of these challenges, multiple generations of families continue to live in Possil which creates a strong sense of family, community, and connectedness. Recently there has been an increase of a multicultural population which has brought a rich diversity to the community.
The team live and minister in this community and, alongside our neighbours, we seek the flourishing of Possil and the city of Glasgow through:
We put prayer first as an antidote of our tendency to ‘do’ rather than to ‘be’. Our doing comes out of our relationship with God, so prayer must be primary in all we do.
Holistic Discipleship
Due to the complex backgrounds and situations that some people face we value discipleship that’s holistic in nature, taking the whole person into consideration as we walk alongside them on their journey towards Christ.
Developing Local Leaders
We seek to empower local leaders because we recognize that the greatest potential for change comes from within the community.
Acts of Prophetic Justice
We defend the God-given dignity of our neighbours and the land by raising our voices and empowering our neighbours to do the same
We partner closely with Clay Community Church and value the practices of neighbouring, hospitality, and redemptive play in every aspect of our ministry. We do all this with our hearts centred towards Christ in simplicity and full of joy.