Novo UK is a community of disciple makers, passionate about activating followers of Jesus to multiply disciples.


Novo is a Latin word that means make new.

Our name also describes how we go about this redemptive mission. We are innovators, risk-takers, and catalysts. We believe that creativity is critical to activating followers of Jesus and igniting the God movements we long to see.

Our name is a statement about the aim of our partnership with God’s work in the world: the redemption of people everywhere. We long to see men, women, and children made new in the image of Jesus.


Novo UK works creatively to activate followers of Jesus to multiply disciples.

We activate in two ways:

  1. We introduce people in our communities to Jesus and journey with them as they become disciples that multiply.

  2. We help existing followers of Jesus become disciple makers and impact their communities.


Empowered for Mission is an experiential training in activating prayer.

Join a growing community of committed disciple makers from across the UK and Europe as we discover practical prayer tools to unlock our local communities for the gospel.


Around the world, the Discovery Bible Study process has become one of our most useful tools for mission and God movements.

Whether in a neighborhood in West Africa, an urban center in Europe or the Middle East, or small-town America, the effect is the same: people encounter the message of Jesus through Scripture and lives are transformed.

Learn the basics of discovery bible study and get the resources you need to start in your own neighbourhood and ministry context.


When we open the book of Acts, we're struck by the gap between our experience and the movement described in its pages.

The book of Acts calls us back to the beginning - to a movement born in obscurity, captivated by God's grace, devoted to prayer and the spread of his word.

In this book, Steve Addison combines insightful commentary with stories and lessons from across the globe, inspiring readers to join God movements as they stretch from where they are to every place and every people.