Novo UK in action.
Bringing God’s Kingdom to Earth.

The Gospel Works Everywhere!
Our team in Essex, England, has a vision. And it’s a big vision. We want to share the gospel generously, raise up disciples and churches with a “great commission vision,” and help these communities multiply across the UK. And we want to do this until we can genuinely say that there is no place left where people have not heard the gospel, been invited to follow Jesus, and welcomed into his Church.
God is drawing people to himself, and our team is committed to finding these people and investing in them.

In the Waiting
Waiting. More often than not, it’s a negative thing. It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. … Why is it uncomfortable? Why is waiting for something – anything! – so nerve-wracking? … Is anyone else tired of waiting?

Discovering the Bible
I decided to make some changes to my ministry approach. No longer would I only seek to teach others about the Bible, but I'd begin inviting people from my community to discover the Bible with me. I’d pray for persons of peace whom the Father was drawing to Himself, and seek to help them unpack and apply the truths of the Bible.

Changing the Atmosphere
Our voice is powerful, especially when proclaiming and declaring the truth. Perfect love casts out fear. So let’s declare that love. Shout about his victory over death. It will change the atmosphere.